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S034 Arbitration Order 2009
S035 International Arbitration Order 2009
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Datuk Professor Sundra Rajoo
Nationality :
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Area of Expertise :
Constructions, Sports, Oil and Gas, Contracts, Engineering, Joint-venture agreements
Publications :
Datuk Professor Sundra Rajoo has authored, co-authored, edited several books and
contributed chapters and articles on arbitration, contract and construction law, including,
Standard Form of Building Contracts Compared (2022), Lexis Nexis; Law, Practice and
Procedure of Arbitration in India (2021), Thomson Reuters India; UNICITRAL Model Law
& Arbitration Rules (2019) Sweet & Maxwell; A Practical Guide to Statutory Adjudication
in Malaysia, 4th Edition, 2018, AIAC; Law, Practice and Procedure of Arbitration, 2nd
Edition, 2016, Lexis Nexis; Arbitration in Malaysia: A Practical Guide, 2016, Sweet &
Maxwell; Construction Law in Malaysia, 2012, Sweet & Maxwell; The Malaysian
Arbitration Act 2005 (Amended 2011) – An Annotation, 2013, Lexis Nexis; The PAM 2006
Form, 2010, Lexis Nexis; The Arbitration Act 2005 – UNCITRAL Model Law as Applied in
Malaysia, 2007, Sweet & Maxwell; The Malaysian Standard Form of Building Contract
(The PAM 1998 Form), 1999, Malayan Law Journal. He also wrote the chapter on
Annulment of Investment Arbitration Awards, The Investment Treaty Arbitration Review,
2016 and 2017 edited by Barton Legum, 2
nd and 3
rd Editions, Law Business Research. He
is the Editor- in-Chief of the inaugural issue of Construction Adjudication Reports 2018,
Sweet & Maxwell. His co-authored book on the Law, Practice and Procedure of
Adjudication will expected to be published in November 2022 by Lexis Nexis.
He has written numerous articles in law journals over the years. The most recent articles
being “Repeal of Section 42: Question of Law arising out of an award by the amended
Arbitration Act (2005)” [2019] 6 MLJ civ” and “Arbitration and its development in Malaysia”
[2020] 1 MLJ Iv., “Trends in ISDS in the Asia Pacific [2020] 3 MLJ cxvi"; "The Asian
International Arbitration Centre: Transformation, growth and prospects [2020] 4 MLJ i";
The relevance of Arbitration in resolving disputes [2021] 1 MLJ ccxiv; Privacy,
confidentiality and disclosure of information relating to arbitration [2021] 1 MLJ xiv; The
extent of court intervention in arbitration in Malaysia as a Model Law jurisdiction [2021] 2
MLJ cccxxiv; and Perspectives in anti-arbitration injunctions [2021] 3 MLJ cixl.
Concurrently, Datuk Professor Sundra Rajoo is working on books on construction law,
adjudication and arbitration for publication in 2022 and 2023.