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S034 Arbitration Order 2009
S035 International Arbitration Order 2009
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Seow Fu Hong Colin
Nationality :
Country :
Language :
English and Chinese
Type of Panel :
Area of Expertise :
Judiciary; Civil and commercial disputes, including building and construction disputes, corporate disputes, financial and banking disputes, shipping and commodities disputes
Publications :
Published Judgments
1. Credit Suisse AG v Owner of the Vessel “CHLOE V” [2022] SGHCR 9 (civil procedure and private international law)
2. TA Private Capital Security Agent Limited & Anor v UD Trading Group Holding Pte Ltd & Anor [2021] SGHCR 10 (private international law)
3. Fu Yuan Construction Pte Ltd v Fab-5 Pte Ltd [2021] SGHCR 2 (civil procedure)
4. Fauziyah bte Mohd (executrix of a deceased’s estate) v Singapore Land Authority and others [2019] SGHCR 12 (civil procedure)
5. Ermgassen & Co Ltd v Sixcap Financials Pte Ltd [2018] SGHCR 8 (private international law)
6. Mataban Development Pte Ltd v Black Knight Warrior Pte Ltd [2017] SGHCR 12 (building and construction law)
7. Pereira Dennis John Sunny v Faridah bte V Abdul Latiff [2016] SGHCR 9 (civil procedure)
8. AYY v AYZ and another [2015] SGHCR 22 (arbitration law)
9. Sentosa Building Construction Ptd Ltd v DJ Builders & Contractors Pte Ltd [2015] SGHCR 18 (building and construction law)
10. Max Sources Pte Ltd v Agrocon (S) Pte Ltd and another [2015] SGHCR 11 (contract law)
11. United Overseas Bank Limited v Loh Boon Hua [2015] SGHCR 9 (credit and security law)
12. AmFraser Securities Pte Ltd v Goh Chengyu [2014] SGHCR 14 (contract law)
13. Chang Mui Hoon v Lim Bee Leng [2013] SGHCR 17 (personal injuries claim)
14. Mullaichelvan s/o Perumal v Lee Heng Kah [2013] SGHCR 3 (personal injuries claim)
15. Deldar Tony Singh and another v Rajinder Singh and others [2012] SGHCR 13 (civil procedure)
Other Publications
1. Colin Seow, “Recoverability of Foreign Lawyer Fees in the Singapore International Commercial Court” (forthcoming in January 2023), Singapore Academy of Law Journal (article)
2. Teh Hwee Hwee, Justin Yeo & Colin Seow, “The Singapore International Commercial Court in Action: Illustrations from the First Case” (2016) 28 Singapore Academy of Law Journal 692 (commentary)
3. Singapore Civil Procedure 2016 (White Book) (Sweet & Maxwell, 2016) (contributing author)
4. Colin Seow, “Chasing the Frontier in Humanitarian Intervention Law: The Case for Aequitas ad Bellum” (2016) 6(2) Asian Journal of International Law 294 (article)
5. Singapore Supreme Court Case Note on AJU v AJT [2011] 4 SLR 739 (Sep 2011)
6. Singapore Supreme Court Case Note on Public Prosecutor v Nagaenthran a/l K Dharmalingam [2011] 2 SLR 830 (May 2011)
7. Colin Seow, “Trusts and Shared Property by Tey Tsun Hang” [2011] 2 Singapore Journal of Legal Studies 592 (book review)
8. Colin Seow, “Trusts, Credit Security and Trading by Tey Tsun Hang” [2011] 2 Singapore Journal of Legal Studies 594 (book review)
9. Colin Seow, “The Statutory Presumption of Legitimacy” (2010) 22 Singapore Academy of Law Journal 720 (case comment)
10. Colin Seow, International trusts versus forced heirship regimes: an uneasy struggle (2010) (thesis paper archived in NUS Law Library)