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S034 Arbitration Order 2009
S035 International Arbitration Order 2009
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Sr. Ts Muhammad Ariffuddin Bin Arifin
Nationality :
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Language :
Bahasa Melayu, English
Type of Panel :
Area of Expertise :
A seasoned Quantity Surveyor (QS) distinguished by his robust business acumen in addition to his extensive expertise in construction contract administration, claims and payments, cost analysis, delay analysis, construction procurement, and dispute resolution
Publications :
Technical Paper
1. Hak, N.A., Mohammed, N. S., Arifin, M. A., "Undang-Undang Timbang Tara Malaysia Dan Islam: Perbandingan Dan Harmonisasi." (2015), Institut Kefahaman Islam Malaysia (IKIM). Laporan Program Persidangan Meja Bulat Pengharmonian Undang-Undang: Kajian Undang-Undang Bertulis.
Indexed Journals
2. Arifin, M. A., Hashim, S., & Abdul Rashid, K. (2022). "Sulh: A Shariah-Compliant Dispute Avoidance Practice for the Construction Industry." Global Journal Al Thaqafah, Special Issue, 36–47.
3. Arifin, M.A., K. A., Rashid, Sarkawi, A. A., Hasan, S. F., Fauzi, P., Aripin, S. (2016). "Assessing the prospect of using Tahkim as a Shariah-compliant ADR for resolving construction disputes." Journal of Scientific Research and Development 3 (4), 91-94
4. Fauzi, P., Rashid, K.A., Sarkawi, A. A., Hasan, S. F., Aripin, S., Arifin, M.A. (2016). "Takaful: A Review on Performance, Issues and Challenges in Malaysia." Journal of Scientific Research and Development 3 (4), 71-76
5. Arifin, M. A., Rashid, K. A, Sarkawi, A. A., Hasan, S. F. (2015). "Proposed Framework for Tahkīm in the Construction Industry." Advanced Science Letters 21 (6), 1999-2002
Non-Indexed Journal
6. Arifin, M. A. (2017). "Function of Shariah in Mitigating Disputes in the Construction Industry through Muhtasib." Journal of Quantity Surveying and Construction Business 7 (2), 59-81
Conference Proceedings
7. Arifin, M. A., Hashim, S., Rashid, K. A., & Sahari, N. H. (2021). "Sulh: A Shariah-Compliant Dispute Avoidance Practice for The Construction Industry." In M. N. M. Zaini, Z. N. Baharudin, & N. H. Tamili (Eds.), Abstract Book: ICIS 2021.
9. Arifin, M. A., Rashid, K. A., Sarkawi, A. A., Hasan, S. F., Fauzi, P., & Aripin, S. (2015). "Proposed Framework for Tahkim in the Construction Industry. Proceedings of International Conference on Business, Management, Tourism and Hospitality 2015." BIZMATOUR 2015, Hatyai, Thailand.
10. Arifin, M. A., Rashid, K. A., Sarkawi, A. A., & Hasan, S. F. (2014). "Mechanisms of Sharī’ah-Compliant ADR and Their Importance in Resolving Construction and Engineering Disputes. WCIT 2014." World Conference on Islamic Thought & Civilization: The Rise and Fall of Civilization, Ipoh, Malaysia.
11. Arifin, M. A., Rashid, K. A., Sarkawi, A. A., & Hasan, S. F. (2012). "Sharī’ah-Compliant Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) and Appraisal between Tahkīm and Arbitration in the Context of Malaysian Construction Industry. In C. N. Preece & M. S. Fathi (Eds.), Proceedings of MiCRA 2012." UTM Razak Faculty of Technology and Informatics.