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S034 Arbitration Order 2009
S035 International Arbitration Order 2009
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Dr. Khaled Hamid Chowdhury
Nationality :
Country :
Language :
English and Bangla
Type of Panel :
Mediator and Arbitrator
Area of Expertise :
Civil and Corporate Matters, Commercial law, Intellectual Property Law (Copyright, Trademark and Patent), Sports Law, Entertainment Law, Admiralty (Maritime) Law, Family Law and Labor (Employment) Law.
Publications :
1. Enforcing Foreign Arbitration Awards in Bangladesh : A Step Backward ? (6.4.97)
ALSO 49 DLR (1997) JOURNAL 43
2. Enforcing Foreign Arbitration Awards in Bangladesh : A Step in the Right Direction (22.6.97)49 DLR (1997) JOURNAL 73
3. The Act of State Doctrine and the View of the US Courts in Private International Law (9.11.97) also published in The Bangladesh Today
4. Protection of Human Rights: Some Points to Ponder (7.12.97) 50 DLR (1998) JOURNAL 19
5. Directors of An Insurance Company: To be or Not to Be (25.1.98)
6. Jurisdictional Issues Under the Administrative Tribunals Act, 1980 (19.4.98) 50 DLR (1998) Journal 55
7. Share Scam Cases Can Go Ahead (8.6.98)
8. The Cure to Miscarriage of Justice After 45 Years: Justice Delayed Justice Denied (20.9.98) 50 DLR (1998) JOURNAL 90
9. On the First Anniversary of Daily Star YEPF (1.1.99) (YEPF page)
10. The Pinochet Saga: House of Lords Overturns its Decision (11.1.99) (Feature section)
51 DLR (1999) JOURNAL 61
11. A Century Passes by for Lord Denning (7.2.99) Daily Star
12. On the Death Anniversary of Lord Denning – 8.3.03 The Bangladesh Today
13. The Bouncing Cheque – Daily Star – 2.6.2002 also 54 DLR (2002) Journal 46
14. The Bouncing Cheque – Let it Bounce – 16.3.2003 Daily Star
15. Jurisdictional Issues Under the Arbitration Act 2001 (January 2017) ICLJ [2017] Vol. 1 Issue 2; Bangladesh Legal Times (January 2017 Issue).
16. Covid-19: Supply Chain Disruption And The Need For Dispute Management Specialism, The Daily Star (Published on July 21, 2020).
17. Singapore Convention on mediation in Bangladesh: A call of the time, The Business Standard (Published on 16 July, 2021).
18. Introduction to International Commercial Arbitration and Investment-Treaty Arbitration in Bangladesh’ in Muhammad Ekramul Haque (ed), State Volume on ‘Bangladesh’, in Encyclopedia of Public International Law in Asia (EPILA), Seokwoo Lee, (ed), vol.3, ISBN: 978-90-04-38877-2, Brill, 2021.
19. Delivered lecture on “Implementation of Alternative Dispute Resolution in Bangladesh: Issues and Challenges.” Justice Muhammad Ibrahim Memorial Lecture 2021 (Published on 13 October 2021).